KBR Confirms Contract to Develop Majnoon


KBR, Inc. announced today that it has been awarded a contract by the Basra Oil Company (BOC) for the development of the Majnoon Oil Field in Basra, Iraq.

Under the terms of the contract, KBR says it will provide overall project management, multi-discipline engineering support, procurement and construction management services to BOC under a two plus one year extendable service contract.

A statement from the Ministry of Oil at the end of April put the value of the contracts with KBR and China’s Anton Oilfield Services Group (Antonoil) at $118 million, adding that there would be “other secondary contracts” to follow.

BOC is expected to take over operations at Majnoon from Shell by the end of June.

By |2018-06-13T11:53:39+02:00Maggio 14th, 2018|Senza categoria|
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