Saipem nabs $1.3bn contract to build offshore Gulf pipeline


Milan-based Saipem secured the $1.3bn contract, but did not say who the client was, which country the project will be based in, or when it would start or end.

Saipem did say that its contract covers engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCI) of two 32-inch export pipelines, two 24-inch corrosion-resistant alloy intra-field pipelines, risers, spool pieces, and subsea structures, including onshore and offshore brownfield modifications.

The award also includes the substitution of an old contract for a new one for “substantial” corrosion-resistant alloy pipelines, the contractor said.

By |2018-10-04T13:59:21+02:00Giugno 4th, 2018|Senza categoria|
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