Maire Tecnimont strengthens its Petrochemical Business in India


Tecnimont S.p.A. has been awarded two EPCC Lump Sum contracts by HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL), for the implementation of a new High-Density Polyethylene unit (HDPE) and a new Polypropylene unit (PP). The units will be located in northern India. The overall value of the EPC Lump Sum contracts is in the range of USD 225 million. The projects’ scope entails Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning activities up to the Performance Guarantees Test Run of the monomer purification sections and the polymerization areas. The time schedule is 25 Months for Mechanical Completion.

By |2018-10-04T11:39:03+02:00Settembre 9th, 2018|Senza categoria|
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